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A Site for .NET Smart Device Software Developers
 Feel free to browse the available .NET Smart Device controls & components for the .NET Compact Framework
 All controls have design time support for Visual Studio .NET, 2005 & 2008.
 All controls are written in fully managed code, are royalty free and support is all part of the purchase!
 Why create your own controls when it has been done for you here at a fraction of the cost?

Line & Scatter Chart Control w/design support


  VS 2005

BackgroundImage - define background image
ImageStyle - streched & centered
ShowGradient - Shows background gradient
GradientDirection - horizontal & vertical
GradientStartColor - canvas area start gradient
GradientEndColor - canvas area end gradient
LegendItemsPerRow - top & bottom only

  VS 2003 & VS 2005
  BackColor - define chart background color
ForeColor - popup text color etc...
AxisLineColor - defines color for x-y axis lines
BorderColor - defines series outline color (Bar borders etc..)
ChartBackColor - defines back ground color for chart canvas
Filled - enables solid fill of series information
ScaleLineColor - defines color for Y scale lines in chart area
ShowBorder - show/hide border (bar, pie, scatter etc..)
ShowPopUp - enables PopUp on mouse down/move
ShowXScale - show/hide X scale values
ShowYScaleLines - show/hide Y scale lines in chart area
XAxisFont - defines font used for X scale labels
YAxisFont - defines font used for Y scale labels
YAxisMax - high value used for Y axis. Use zero for
automated Y scale
YAxisMin - low value used for Y axis. Use zero for automated
Y scale
YAxisPrecision - precision used for auto Y axis
YScaleIntervals - number if scale instervals on Y axis
LegendBackColor - defines color for in legend area
LegendFont - defines font used for legend items
LegendItemWidth - used to widen/shorten legend when set
to left or right
LegendPosition - enumerated type (Left, Right, Top, Bottom)
ShowLegend - show/hide legend
ShowLegendBorder - show/hide legend area border
PieResolution - set number of points used for each pie piece

Resizable (design and runtime)
Royalty FREE software integration
Purchased product includes sample code (VB & C#)
Purchased product includes two .dll's, one for design time and one for runtime
Easy MSI installer takes care of .dll file placement
Control written with fully managed code
Tested for VB .NET & C#
Simply add the control to the tool box and your away!
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Includes compiled runtime and design time .DLL's

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