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A Site for .NET Smart Device Software Developers
 Feel free to browse the available .NET Smart Device controls & components for the .NET Compact Framework
 All controls have design time support for Visual Studio .NET, 2005 & 2008.
 All controls are written in fully managed code, are royalty free and support is all part of the purchase!
 Why create your own controls when it has been done for you here at a fraction of the cost?
ColorTab - NEW Vista, XP & Office gradient types
Windows Mobile, WindowsCE, SmartPhone & Desktop versions standard with ColorButton, Chart & ColorTab
Compact ZIP for
Pocket PC
functional zip utility.
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"I had the control integrated very quickly. It works perfectly" - Texas
"Thanks, you helped make my app more professional and saved me a lot of work." - USA

"Excellent..." - Australia
"So thanks again from a happy customer - for all the changes and quick responses." - UK
"Merci for your kind and quick answer...your control is fantastic." - France
"Thanks again for your help and thanks for your controls - they have saved me many hours of
work!" -
New Zealand

"Well done, great product!" - USA

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